Join Us - Membership Information
Application for Membership
Interested in Joining St George Leagues Club Photographic Society?!
New Members, young and mature are always welcome!
Applications are accepted subject to review by the Executive Committee.
Meet: Every Thursdays at 7:30pm at St George Leagues Club.
Visit for more information.
Please note: We must receive both your payment and this form completed for your membership to be registered. You are required to also be a member of the St George Leagues Club.
New Members: Whilst you are welcome to visit us to get a feel for the club we reserve the right to charge a $10 per visit fee for people who attend regularly without joining, the same as we do for workshops.
Membership year commences 1st Jan ends 31st Dec
Pay from Jan= $70
Pay after 1 July = $35
Non members at workshops $10
Payment can be made by Direct Debit or Cash at our meetings.
We look forward to making your acquaintance.
Membership Benefits
- Membership provides unhindered attendance at our Thursday sessions at the St George League's Club or via Zoom.
- It also provides entry to our evaluation system by submitting images through our section on the My Photo Club website.
- Your chance to win an award for your image at our Awards Night at the end of each Year.
- Discounts when you purchase at our Sponsors stores
- Be part of a community of photographers
Our Constitution
We abide by the rules set down by our host club, the St George League's Club.
To adhere to those rules and to follow the conventions for Societies such as ours we are bound by our constitution.
There are two parts to our constitution. The first sets out our rules with changes having to be made at a general meeting. The second part deals with less formal items which can be changed by the committee such as session times and annual fees.
Both parts of our constitution may be downloaded from the two links shown below.